Yes, this blog was previously used for other purposes eg. the journalling of my younger not so adventurous days but today, I am blogging about things I missed in my week 3 uni tutorial. Let's hope I don't miss the point entirely.
Learning today is no longer a teacher standing in front of the classroom and transferring their knowlegde to their students. This is not to say that it ever but what I remember of my classroom days closely resembles that picture. I believe learning incorporates not only the student as the learner but also the environment in which learning occurs and what the learner adds to the environment socially and culturally. Hence, it is no longer simply learning in a classroom but rather a social constructivist approach to learning.
Where does technology fit into this? Web 2.0 is all about sharing information. Children today we can almost say may be more adept than some teachers at using Web 2.0. However, this is not a deterrent as it can be viewed as a positive tool to be used for learning in classrooms. Within the social constructivist approach, Web 2.0 serves as a platform in which learners can share their lives beyond the classroom with one another. Scaffolded appropriately, learning can continue on into their social and home lives and students can do it in a safe environment in which they enjoy.
Until my next post...
I'm sure you're right that some children are more adept than some teachers at using web 2.0. How do you think teachers should handle the situation in cases where they feel they know less about the technology than their students?